Everyday Religion

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What view of religion underlies (or is assumed by) the approach of Everyday Religion”?
The view of religion in the approach of Everyday Religion is about the role of of religion in society. everyday religion make the distance with what called by official religion, therefore it implies the activities that occur outside of organized religious events and instititutionalized, although that does not mean nothing with them. The issues that discussed on everyday religion is around how by those viwe, Everyday Religion locate and define religion, or propably religion is no where in this term. It refer to about where religion happen and how it mingles with other aspcet of social life (Ammerman, pp. 9). In certain cases, everyiday religion formed as a result of negotiations by the minority institutions to their daily activities. It will show how religious and spiritual meaning in it remain useful beyond the boundaries of the institution. How do those two things collectively identified and recognized. Negotiations between the authorities and religious offocial everyday practices religion will always happen and competing.    
In light of our discussions on definition (and construction) of religion, how does “everyday religion” approach help in overcoming the difficulties in defining religion?
The approach of everyday religion meets some problems on its research. Most of the terms, categories and assessment of the research object can not be separated from the influence of institutions and scholars. As well as looking at everyday life of Ahmadiyya as community of religious minority. It is not simply released them without comparing with other major Islamic groups, which have greater authority, especially in Indonesia. The difficulty of this approach is caused by differences in the definition of 'religious' and the right to use something called a religious or "religious properly". Official religious biased Everyday Religion become difficult to avoid. For example the veil and its function, the veil is not only the symbol of religion, there many thing that rise up from the veil. The function of veil can be political issues, fashion, and other goals.
Another difficulty is found in Indonesia for everyday approach to religion is the same object; different terms are used, about religion and culture. Sometimes, the object of the research activities related to religious issues instead categorized in the local culture. It is one of effect the process of ‘religionization’ by defining the term of ‘ religion’ in Indonesia by the government, that are also included in citizen education thus construct their epistemology on religious studies.      

The insider/outsider perspectives with an alternative methodological basis, ­which is “a dialogical and reflexive engagement between scholars and the religious people they study” (see p. 255) Diana Eck also speaks about the “dialogical method”. Please briefly discuss the main characteristics of the “dialogical method”. Do you think this would compromise the aspiration to objectivity?
The character of dialogical method is a way to check our own subjectivities. Diana criticized the method that is used by orientalists in conducting research and interacting with objects. They understand the object only as "the others" like inanimate objects to be formed and constructed. With the methods of dialogue, Diana tried to fix it. Object of research has to be confirmed, they have rights to any understanding of the research results. By listening to the "object" and dialogue, the researcher was able to confirm and to check their subjectivity. Thus this method is called by "the dialogue for understanding". In academic religious studies, dialogue is not necessarily about interreligious dialogue. Diana only tries to insist that dialogue is important on the research as long as the technique or its method. That opinion is different from what is expressed by Dunbar, who explained that interreligious dialogue is an important part of academic religious studies.

The researchers seek to constantly improve their research by various methods for achieving the goal of objectivity. However, the objectivity will be difficulty when the biases affect the research process. Besides, researcher’s subjectivity and the object itself had negotiated. Therefore, the dialogue becomes important in this method. Researchers with the status of insider and outsider have the right to place their self as an observer and participant based Knott’s perspective. So, it can be helped to do by using the method of dialogue for continuing reflection amongst scholars and religious people they study.

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