Theory of Religion, Durkheim’s Theorys
Durkheim’s concept of solidarity contributes to the
theory of religion studies. The solidarity is unified system of belief and
practices relative to sacred into single moral community.
Every activity that contributes toward solidarity is called by Sacred. In the
contrary, the other things that against or do not support solidarity means
profane. It tells how individual has to commit for solidarity in their
community. The contribution of solidarity’s concept in theory of religion is its
arguments why ‘religion’ can not be separated by community.
The concept of solidarity based on practices and
ideas that are applied by people. The ideas are the belief of people that force
them to do for the sacral. The practices are the activities of people in
communal agendas that need their sympathy to feel each other’s in solidarity.
For examples people pray is looked by Durkheim’s theory, this activity is not
about spiritual thing they did, but the activity contribute for the community
as symbol status as the adherents of certain religion. Both of practices and
ideas will be sacred if they support solidarity in their community.
The practices of sacred in the solidarity have many
responsibilities to be followed. The responsibility comes to be social power
that lead in to some roles, taboo, and obligations as a sacred thing. Because
the members are connected each other’s, they should be loyal for solidarity. If
people do everything that obligated in this system, they will feel happiness
and make more strengthen the community. Going to mosque for praying is the way
for people to contribute the solidarity. Even though, people prefer to not go
to masque and pray in the home. Praying is no single thing that created by single
people, but praying is a part of community to identify people as member. A
person pray is not only for her/his self, but also for the solidarity in the
community. If people leave pray, so they will feel guilty. Praying is taught in
the community. It means the practices that support solidarity become sacred
thing that force people do or not do something.
The opposite thing of the sacred is the profane that
against the solidarity. This profane also based on ideas and practices but have
no contribution for solidarity. Every activity is only for their selves just to
be a profane. People who watch movie alone in the room is profane. Because
watching movie, if this activity is done not to contribute the community, so it
will a profane. However, at the same times, people have more than one status of
community’s member. People can be the student, son, citizen, and others
organization’s member that have different requirement to contribute the
solidarity. The thing that is profane for one community sometimes at the same
times will be the sacred in other community. People not go to ‘majlis ta’lim’ (community) is profane,
but do not attend the agenda because they should go to school. Going to school
is to be the sacred because this activity will contribute the community
The other thing is important to support the idea of
solidarity is totem. Durkheim did not mention about spiritual thing such as God
or The Supreme Being to explain why people do rituals, but he told about totem.
The totem is directed people to the sacred. The totem is to be the sacred thing
because it is the center of orientation religious activities. The rituals that
produce the connection between the members are to be the main support ideas to
unite people in the single moral community. By Durkheim’s framework, Ka’bah as the important direction for
Moslem is totem. By directing toward Ka’bah,
Moslems have the connection to be a part of community. This symbol contributes
to unite people in the solidarity.
Religion only can be found in the community that
requires solidarity. The belief system is the ideas to make strengthen
community by some doctrines, law and taboo, that forced people to do. The
religious practices have contribution to support community. Practices will
shape the traditions and rituals to condition the solidarity. Thus, the concept
of solidarity explains religion as social construction that is built by people.
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