Government’s Paradigm on Religious policy

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Based on reading about Kuhn’s Theory, I get that the paradigm is established in a certain pattern that makes it survive and try to not find conflict. Kuhn criticizes the form of sciences that ignore anomalies. In fact, everything is forced to accept the paradigm. But if scientists find anomalies, and continue to accumulate them, that caused the crisis, so it will encourage the scientific revolution (Okasha, 2002, p. 82). In this case, Thomas Kuhn makes an important contribution to counter stagnation in the development of science. So, I’ll try to use this theory to learn more about the government’s paradigm on religious policy.  
Previously, I was confused to understand what is meant by revolution paradigm, because a paradigm is a pattern that is based on the historical perspective. In my opinion, it would be very difficult to shift or even to change the paradigm that has staunchly provisions. I asked to myself why Kuhn's theory is needed to initiate academic courses in religious studies, and followed by Foucault’s theory. Then, I remember a question in class, why the Government of Indonesia uses the word of ‘agama’ that implies on the rights and obligations of citizens.
The whole discourse of religion, including the understanding of religion in Indonesia, is paradigm. Government establish this paradigm by making laws, determining official religions are accepted, forming the ministry of religion, and with the help of values ​​and beliefs that form the religious community. So, people should be on the condition of 'normal', while not normal will not get their rights as citizens. That is not normal as citizen who does not an official religion. Every religious tradition outside official religions will be named by ‘adat’. The goverment let poeple doing their traditions as ‘adat’ which is differ them from religious activities, and as long as do not disturb ‘official religions belief’.

At this point, the theory Foucoult be required to explain the findings are anomalies, because of something historical (see paradigm) contains political elements. Found that the act of sacrificing the rights of citizens to be 'normal' it was not good. So, to create a revolutionary paradigm should find plenty anomaly by showing that the paradigm can not be used again. Example, found many violations of human rights caused by the paradigm.

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